Todd Dollinger brings decades of entrepreneurial experience to Trendlines.
He serves as the Chairman of Trendlines Medical Singapore and as Investment Committee chair of Trendlines Incubators Israel. As well, Todd is a director and chairman of a number of Trendlines’ portfolio companies. He founded The Trendlines Group with Steve Rhodes in 2007 and shares the positions of Chairman and CEO of Trendlines with Steve. Together, they lead the Group’s strategy.
The Start of Trendlines
In 1991, Todd joined the marketing department of Israeli medical device start-up SRD Medical and went on to become SRD’s CEO. It was at SRD that Todd met Steve.
In 1993, Todd and Steve founded Trendlines International. Under their leadership, Trendlines International grew to become one of Israel’s leading business development consulting firms. They merged the principal consulting activities of Trendlines International into the Group in 2008.
Under the strength of their longstanding partnership, Todd and Steve oversaw the Singapore Stock Exchange IPO in 2015, took two companies public on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (E.T.View Medical and FlowSense Medical), and expanded the Group’s activities internationally, including raising funds for Trendlines’ portfolio companies around the world.
A Born Entrepreneur
Some would say that Todd was born with the entrepreneurial gene, starting a tropical fish import and breeding business when he was 15. While a student at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, he established a concert promotion company. His passion for bringing ideas to market led him to launch Trendlines, Inc., (in the United States) with his brother Mark in 1978, providing sales, marketing, and business development services in the United States. Todd served as Trendlines’ president until 1990 when he sold his interest to Mark and moved to Israel with his family.
Todd Dollinger创立Trendlines几十年了。
Todd是新加坡Trendlines医疗公司的董事长,以色列Trendlines孵化器的投资委员会主席,也是Trendlines投资公司的董事兼董事长。2007年,他与Steve Rhodes共同创立了Trendlines集团,并与Steve共同担任Trendlines集团的董事长兼首席执行官,共同负责集团战略的制定。
在他们的长期合作下,Todd 和Steve于2015年在新加坡证券交易所共同见证了集团的上市,并在特拉维夫证券交易所完成了E.T.View 医疗公司和FlowSens医疗公司的上市,还扩大了集团在国际上的活动范围,例如为全球范围内的Trendlines投资公司筹集资金。