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Cooperation Needs of TianXinFu (Beijing) Medical Appliance Co., Ltd.
Research and development needs:
Main research and development direction within 5 years:
(1) 胶原蛋白(Collagen)相关:包括不行形状、不同结构、不同分子量…的胶原蛋白相关产品,如酸可溶性胶原蛋白、水可溶性胶原蛋白、美容级胶原蛋白、食品级胶原蛋白等。
Collagen-related products: including those in different shapes and structures and with different molecular weights, such as acid-soluble collagen, water-soluble collagen, cosmetic collagen, and food-grade collagen.
(2) 胶原蛋白制作的支架材料,包括不用加工方式,不同产品结构,不同孔隙、不同交联度、不同降解时间、不同应用方式…如以胶原蛋白为主要原材料的神经修复、硬脑脊膜修复、皮肤修复产品等。
Scaffolds made of collagen, including products used for nerve repair, cerebral dura mater repair, and skin repair with collagen as the main raw material, which are processed in different processing methods, in different product structures, with different pores, in different crosslinking degrees, with different degradation durations and applied by different modes.
(3) 神经外科(Neurosurgery)相关产品,包括植入材料(如天然材料、PEEK修补材料、脑室分流管、ICP脑脊液压力探头、动脉瘤夹以及神经外科的各种设备),神经介入类产品(包括出血和缺血类产品)如:取栓支架、微导管、辅助支架、保护伞、栓塞类弹簧圈等。
Neurosurgery related products, including implant materials (such as natural materials, PEEK repair materials, ventricular shunt tubes, ICP-CSFP probes, aneurysm clips, and neurosurgery equipment), and neuro-interventional products (including products used for hemorrhage and ischemia), such as embolectomy stents, microcatheters, auxiliary stents, angioguard, embolic coils, and so on.
(4) 手外科(Hand surgery)相关医疗植入类产品,比如肌腱保护、组织保护膜等。
Hand surgery-related implant medical instruments, such as tendon protector, and tissue protective film.
(5) 可溶性胶原蛋白提取技术,胶原蛋白冻干工艺优化技术,胶原蛋白机械性能加强技术等。
Soluble collagen extraction technology, collagen freeze-drying optimization technology, collagen mechanical performance enhancement technology, etc.
Demand for Cooperation with Australia and New Zealand
1. 牛跟腱进口中国:3岁以下健康牛的跟腱组织,一般取含分叉在内的15cm以下的部分,按照中国动物源医疗器械相关法规及标准要求,需满足以下条件:
Bovine Achilles tendon imported into China: Achilles tendon less than 15cm including bifurcation shall be generally taken out from healthy cattle under 3 years old, and shall meet the following conditions in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards for medical devices utilizing animal tissues in China:
(1) 牛跟腱供应商的相关资质,具备饲养、屠宰条件。
Bovine Achilles tendon suppliers shall have relevant qualifications and be qualified for raising and slaughtering castle.
(2) 牛的地理来源,保证来源于非疫区
Cattle shall be guaranteed to come from non-epidemic areas.
(3) 所采购批牛跟腱溯源 ,溯源至牛的饲养情况、屠宰情况、牛跟腱运输情况,降低过程中病毒/传染性因子的感染情况。要保证每一批采购的牛跟腱能追溯到以下信息:包括牛的饲养记录、防疫记录、饲料添加记录、检疫记录、兽药使用记录、饲料生产记录、屠宰记录,牛跟腱的检疫记录、运输记录等。
The bovine Achilles tendon purchased can be traced back to the feeding, slaughter and transportation to reduce the risk of infection by virus/infectious factors during these processes. It shall be ensured that each batch of bovine Achilles tendon can be traced back to the following information: feeding records, epidemic prevention records, feed addition records, quarantine records, veterinary drug use records, feed production records, slaughter records, Achilles tendon quarantine records, transportation records, and the like.
2. Set up a factory in Australia to extract collagen
(1) 当地生产许可、生产质量体系认证。
Australian production license and production quality system certification.
(2) 前期需要有180平方米左右的净化车间,100平方米左右的普通加工车间,100平方米左右的检验车间,50平方米左右的存储车间。
In the early stage, the factory shall be equipped with a 180-square-meter clean workshop, a 100-square-meter processing workshop, a 100-square-meter inspection workshop, and a 50-square-meter storage workshop.
(3) 前期需要2-4名操作工人,1-2名检验工人。
In addition, it requires 2 to 4 operators and 1 to 2 inspectors.




电 话:010-62371671
地 址:北京市西城区黄寺大街23号北广·金融科技中心6层


